Ninth Annual Alumni Night (England alumni branch)

Friday, November 20, 2009
6:30 PM to 9 PM

Help us defend the Cup!

Network Canada invites all Canadian university and college alumni to its ninth annual Alumni Night. Don’t miss this great chance to get together with old friends, make new ones and show off your school spirit.

Also, we’re looking for all our Trivial Pursuit experts out there. We need McGill grads to participate in the event’s Annual Quiz Cup Challenge. We took home the coveted trophy last year, and we don’t want to give it up in 2009.

Thanks to the Canadian High Commission in the United Kingdom, the event will be held at Canada House on Trafalgar Square. Attire is business or smart casual. Hope to see you there!

£7 for Network Canada members
£10 for non-members
N.B. You must purchase a ticket and buy beverage tickets in advance for security reasons. No beverages will be sold on the day of the event.
Ninth Annual Alumni Night (England alumni branch)

Friday, November 20, 2009
6:30 PM to 9 PM


Canada House, Trafalgar Square
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