ONLINE: Are we ready for the next pandemic?

Thursday, May 27, 2021
12 PM to 1 PM EDT

As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic and takes stock of the soaring human, economic and psychological toll, global health experts have  already begun planning for the next health emergency. What went right - and wrong - in handling the current crisis and how should those lessons shape future pandemic planning? Will we be better prepared to face the next pandemic? And will these kinds of health threats become more frequent?

Join us at our next Made by McGill alumni webcast as we speak with two of McGill's - and the world's - leading global health practitioners: Dr. Tim Evans, Director of the School of Population and Global Health and former Assistant Director General of the World Health Organization, and Dr. Joanne Liu, former International President of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, and newly appointed McGill professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies.

Moderated by Derek Cassoff, Managing Director, Communications, University Advancement.

We encourage you to share this link with others beyond your McGill network.

Submit your questions in advance of the webcast by emailing, or leave your questions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


There is no fee for this event but registration is required to view the webcast.

The link to join will be sent to registrants 24 hours in advance.
ONLINE: Are we ready for the next pandemic?

Thursday, May 27, 2021
12 PM to 1 PM EDT




Online, Montreal, Quebec
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Register from May. 12 to May. 27, 2021


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