10th Annual Calgary Leacock Luncheon (Southern Alberta (Calgary) alumni branch)

Friday, November 20, 2009
11:15 AM to 1:30 PM

Guest of Honour and Lecturer Catherine Ford

Catherine Ford possesses what can only be called superhuman intellectual abilities. As a journalist, her razor-sharp wit and Sherlock-Holmesian powers of analysis took her from one side of Canada to the other over a 40-year career in the industry. The winner of 10 Western Ontario Newspaper Awards, she wielded her mighty pen as a national columnist for CanWest News Service, based at the Calgary Herald, until her recent retirement. Her graceful exit proved once again that her insights border on clairvoyance, since the newspaper industry has definitely seen better days. Her most recent book, Against the Grain, celebrates Alberta and the fact that the majority of its citizens seem to dislike everything she stands for. But this western wonder woman won’t back down. She continues to make the province her home either because she loves it or just because she likes a challenge.

Moderator: Derek Drummond, BArch’62, F.R.A.I.C.
William C. Macdonald Emeritus Professor of Architecture, McGill University

Refunds requested by phone or email must be submitted no later than two business days prior to the event in question. No refunds will be given after this deadline.
10th Annual Calgary Leacock Luncheon (Southern Alberta (Calgary) alumni branch)

Friday, November 20, 2009
11:15 AM to 1:30 PM


$50 CAD


Calgary Golf and Country Club
1 ½ blocks west of Elbow Drive, on 50th
Calgary, Alberta
View map


Register from Sep. 1 to Nov. 21, 2009


Event Registrar
Phone: 1-800-567-5175 x 7684
Email: event.registration@mcgill.ca