ONLINE: Homecoming: Cutting-Edge Lecture in Science: Freshwater Futures for Canada and the World

Thursday, September 24, 2020
6 PM to 7 PM EST

Canada and the world are facing unprecedented water-related challenges. Climate warming and human actions are altering precipitation patterns, reducing snow levels, accelerating glacier melting, intensifying floods, and increasing risk of droughts, while pollution from population growth and industrialization is degrading water systems. With such unprecedented change, it is clear that the historical patterns of water availability are no longer a reliable guide for the future.

Join Dr. John Pomeroy, winner of the 2020 Miroslaw Romanowski Medal, for a free cutting-edge lecture in science that will delve into these issues. Dr. Pomeroy will present the results of his research and show how Canada can lead the world in forecasting, preparing for and managing water futures in the face of dramatically increasing risks.

Brought to you by the Redpath Museum.


Dr. John Pomeroy, FRSC Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography & Planning, University of Saskatchewan; Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change; Director, University of Saskatchewan Centre for Hydrology. 

Contact for more information.
In English. All ages welcome.
ONLINE: Homecoming: Cutting-Edge Lecture in Science: Freshwater Futures for Canada and the World

Thursday, September 24, 2020
6 PM to 7 PM EST




Online, Montreal, Quebec
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Register from Sep. 1 to Sep. 22, 2020


Ingrid Birker