Homecoming: McGill's Genius Minds and Innovations
Esprits de génie et innovations à McGill
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Esprits de génie et innovations à McGill
Saturday, October 29, 2016
11 AM to 12:15 PM
Join some of McGill's top researchers as they share their fascinating and promising research in a special presentation, followed by a Q&A. Whether they are unlocking the mysteries of the human brain, tackling global health crises, inventing game-changing technologies, creating sustainable solutions for the environment or exploring human society in the 21st century, McGill academics are leading on the world stage.
Professor Avi Friedman
Thinking Outside the Box about Affordable Homes and Communities
Dr. Avi Friedman received his Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Town Planning from the Israel Institute of Technology, his Master's Degree from McGill University, and his Doctorate from the University of Montréal. In 1988, he co-founded the Affordable Homes Program at the McGill School of Architecture where he teaches.
Dr. Mayada Elsabbagh
Getting Answers from Babies about Autism
Mayada Elsabbagh, PhD is Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at McGill University. Her research, in the area of early infancy and developmental disorders, is focused on understanding the brain basis of behavioural genetic disorders.
Professor Andrew Gonzalez
Biodiversity Change and the Race Between Evolution and Extinction
Dr. Andrew Gonzalez is Professor and Liber Ero Chair in Conservation Biology at the Department of Biology at McGill University. He is the founding Director of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science.
Professor Claudia Mitchell
How We See It: Participatory Visual Methodologies as Tools for Research and Community Engagement
Dr. Claudia Mitchell, FRSC is a James McGill Professor in the Faculty of Education and the Founding Director of the McGill Institute for Human Development and Well-being. Her research cuts across visual and other participatory methodologies in relation to youth, gender and sexuality, girls' education, teacher identity, and critical areas of international development linked to gender and HIV and AIDS.
À l'occasion d'une présentation spéciale suivie d'une période de questions et réponses, vous pourrez rencontrer d'éminents professeurs et des vedettes universitaires de McGill qui partageront avec vous leurs idées fascinantes et leurs travaux de recherche prometteurs. Qu'ils cherchent à dévoiler les mystères du cerveau humain, s'attaquent aux crises sanitaires mondiales, inventent des nouvelles technologies de pointe, trouvent des solutions durables pour l'environnement ou explorent la société du 21e siècle, les universitaires de McGill jouent un rôle de chef de file sur la scène mondiale.
Gratuit, mais inscription requise.
Professor Avi Friedman
Thinking Outside the Box about Affordable Homes and Communities
Dr. Avi Friedman received his Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Town Planning from the Israel Institute of Technology, his Master's Degree from McGill University, and his Doctorate from the University of Montréal. In 1988, he co-founded the Affordable Homes Program at the McGill School of Architecture where he teaches.
Dr. Mayada Elsabbagh
Getting Answers from Babies about Autism
Mayada Elsabbagh, PhD is Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at McGill University. Her research, in the area of early infancy and developmental disorders, is focused on understanding the brain basis of behavioural genetic disorders.
Professor Andrew Gonzalez
Biodiversity Change and the Race Between Evolution and Extinction
Dr. Andrew Gonzalez is Professor and Liber Ero Chair in Conservation Biology at the Department of Biology at McGill University. He is the founding Director of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science.
Professor Claudia Mitchell
How We See It: Participatory Visual Methodologies as Tools for Research and Community Engagement
Dr. Claudia Mitchell, FRSC is a James McGill Professor in the Faculty of Education and the Founding Director of the McGill Institute for Human Development and Well-being. Her research cuts across visual and other participatory methodologies in relation to youth, gender and sexuality, girls' education, teacher identity, and critical areas of international development linked to gender and HIV and AIDS.
À l'occasion d'une présentation spéciale suivie d'une période de questions et réponses, vous pourrez rencontrer d'éminents professeurs et des vedettes universitaires de McGill qui partageront avec vous leurs idées fascinantes et leurs travaux de recherche prometteurs. Qu'ils cherchent à dévoiler les mystères du cerveau humain, s'attaquent aux crises sanitaires mondiales, inventent des nouvelles technologies de pointe, trouvent des solutions durables pour l'environnement ou explorent la société du 21e siècle, les universitaires de McGill jouent un rôle de chef de file sur la scène mondiale.
Gratuit, mais inscription requise.
Homecoming: McGill's Genius Minds and Innovations
Esprits de génie et innovations à McGill
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Esprits de génie et innovations à McGill
Saturday, October 29, 2016
11 AM to 12:15 PM
Leacock Building, Room 132 -
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A2T7
View map
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A2T7
Register from Aug. 1 to Oct. 27, 2016