Golden Jubilee Dinner: A 50th Anniversary Celebration
Homecoming: Golden Jubilee Dinner: A 50th Anniversary Celebration (Homecoming)
for the Class of 1966 and Salute to Earlier Classes

Friday, October 28, 2016
6 PM to 9 PM

Please note that online registration is now closed. You you can still register by contacting Pina Lanni at 514-398-8288.

McGill dignitaries welcome the Class of 1966 to a special reunion dinner in celebration of their 50th anniversary.

Assigned seating is by class with guests at tables of 10. Specific seating requests and any food allergies can be indicated during the registration process.

Les dignitaires de McGill convient les diplômés de la promotion 1966 à un souper spécial de retrouvailles pour célébrer leur cinquantième anniversaire.

L'attribution des places se fait selon l'année de promotion et les convives sont répartis par tables de 10. Si vous avez une demande spéciale quant aux places, veuillez l'indiquer en vous inscrivant.


6:00 PM Cocktail
7:00 PM Dinner

Dress code: business casual
Homecoming: Golden Jubilee Dinner: A 50th Anniversary Celebration (Homecoming)
for the Class of 1966 and Salute to Earlier Classes

Friday, October 28, 2016
6 PM to 9 PM


$70 CAD
Includes wine


Hotel Omni Mont-Royal -
1050 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2R6
View map


Register from Aug. 1 to Oct. 17, 2016


Pina Lanni
Phone: 514-398-8288