McGill Mini-Science 2014
McGill Mini-Science 2014 (Faculty of Science -- Computer)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 6 PM to Wednesday, April 9, 2014 8 PM

Register now for this unique seven-week public lecture series organized by the Faculty of Science. The series starts with an introduction on how our brains learn music and concludes with a look at microbes and music. Mini-Science will take place over seven consecutive Wednesday evenings, from February 26 to April 9.

Lectures will be presented in English mais nous vous invitons à poser vos questions en français.

McGill Mini-Science Schedule 2014

Feb. 26
Playing well together: Temporal coordination among musicians

Mar. 5
What we learn and when we learn it: Sensitive periods for musical training

Mar. 12
Nature's Chorus: Frog calls and bird songs

Mar. 19
Why we love music: A neuroscience perspective

Mar. 26
Music and Molecules

Apr. 2
Your Brain on Music

Apr. 9
Infectious Music: How microbes have shaped our music

Registration information
Advance registration and payment required.
Cost of series: Adults = $114.96 (includes all taxes)
Students and seniors = $ 68.97 (includes all taxes)
Advance registration and payment are required either:
· Online
· Or by mail: Include your first and last names, address, postal code, email address, business and home phone , and specify category of registrant, adult, student or senior.
· Please make your cheque payable to McGill University and send with your information to: McGill Mini-Science, 1430 Peel Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 3T3

No refunds after February 18, 2014.

This Mini-Science series is made possible through the generous support of Dr. Lorne Trottier.

Wednesday Evenings
6:00 pm - Registration and Refreshments
6:30 - 8:00 pm - Lecture with Q&A

PARKING: Underground parking available in Bronfman Garage accessible from the lanes off Peel and McTavish Streets, just north of Sherbrooke Street. There is no elevator access to the garage but there is a staircase leading up to the ground floor of the Bronfman Building.
McGill Mini-Science 2014 (Faculty of Science -- Computer)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 6 PM to Wednesday, April 9, 2014 8 PM


Adult $114.96 CAD
(includes taxes)
Students $68.97 CAD
(includes taxes)
Seniors $68.97 CAD
(Over 65 yrs; includes taxes)


Room 151 - 1001 Sherbrooke Street West
Ground floor of Bronfman
Montreal, Quebec
View map


Register from Jan. 15 to Feb. 26, 2014


Event Registrar
Phone: 514-398-7684